Last night I had a wonderfully vivid dream that I was back in Nepal. The dream started in Kathmandu with a taxi ride to the airport to greet people for a trip...It was morning. The car’s windows were rolled down and I could smell incense wafting through the air. I saw people in brightly colored clothes out for their morning walks as we whizzed past temples and roadside deities. The taxi driver had to swerve several times to avoid dogs searching for scraps of food and we passed cows meandering in the streets. Then we were all in the mountains. It was really sunny and there was snow on the ground. Inside the guest house, people were gathered around the stove drinking tea. Everyone was laughing and happy and there was some sort of big climbing team staying at the same lodge with us who were preparing to summit a nearby mountain. They told us about their climbing route and we all went outside to look at the peak. There was a magical moment, when I was somewhere between asleep and awake, that I was convinced that I would open my eyes and actually be there….but alas, not yet. Soon though, soon...
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